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Copy and paste the following into the article and fill in the fields.


Optional Fields

The following are some notes on optional fields.

  • bgcolor
    • Manually sets the background color of the header text.
    • If using hex triplet (ex. #000000) the # must be replaced with #.
  • fgcolor
    • Manually sets the foreground color of the header text.
    • If using hex triplet (ex. #000000) the # must be replaced with #.
  • imgsize
    • Manually sets the width of image, otherwise image uses its default size.
    • Requires units to be set. 200px is a valid entry. 200 is not.
  • concattop
    • Set this to an non-empty value to remove the bottom margin and border of the box. This allows the box to be attached to another box from the bottom.
    • The box being attached should have an option to remove its top margin and border.